July, 2008
My first introduction to LifeChronicles and the work of Kate Carter was a magazine article. After reading the article, I thought about volunteering, but quickly my life grew busy. I waited a year before my life settled down, and though I am happy I finally made that step into the doorway, it took me a year too long. I realized how powerful a videtape or photograph can be when about six months ago as I scanned photos for a family, I felt so humble and honored to be able to look into the life of another human being, and for a moment, know them without meeting them face to face. It dawns on me now that the feeling was so powerful because what many may view as a saddening task, I was seeing as life, happiness and joy in the snapshots of a life. A magazine article put an idea in the back of my mind, a woman’s passion drew me to volunteer, and now, in a way I could never have imagined, my life has changed for the better.
Shannon P